Our ingredients
The law does not require menstrual hygiene product manufacturers to disclose ingredients.
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Bamboo fibre sanitary pads
Made with
Bamboo fibre (top sheet), naturally absorbent bio-polymer and natural fibres (absorbent core), corn-starch (leak-proof back sheet, top sheet), non-toxic adhesive.
Made without
Plastics, polypropylene, polyethylene, sodium polyacrylate, synthetic fibres, artificial fragrance, deodorant, dyes, chlorine bleach, latex, parabens, formaldehyde, dioxins, chloroform, polyester, rayon.
Can we tell you a secret?
Conventional pads contain up to 90% plastic and remain unchanged in the landfill for around 600-800 years after disposal. All natural Sparkle pads can biodegrade in around 6 months after disposal. #SwitchToSparkle
Why Bamboo Fibre?
Bamboo fibre is an ideal choice for the top layer of a sanitary pad as it is naturally anti-bacterial, breathable, hypoallergenic, odor resistant and super soft.
Conventional pads use perforated polypropylene plastic sheet as a fluid transfer top layer which is harmful to the environment.
Other "premium" pads use cotton which is one of the world's most heavily pesticide sprayed crop.
Compared to cotton, bamboo is more absorbent and needs much less water to grow.
Besides being a self-replenishing resource, bamboo does not require toxic pesticides or fungicides for growth.
Why Corn Starch?
Corn starch based bio-plastic serves as a leak-proof bottom layer that is a sustainable, biodegradable and compostable alternative to plastic.
Conventional pads use polyethylene plastic back sheet as a barrier film which remains unchanged in the landfill for hundreds of years after disposal.
Wearing plastic-based sanitary pads for long durations can result in uncomfortable period experience.
Plastic used as a barrier film in sanitary pads are made from non-renewable fossil fuels that contribute to global warming.
Disposal of plastic pad waste cause land and water pollution. Incinerating these pads release toxic pollutants.
Why Bamboo Fibre?
Bamboo fibre is an ideal choice for the top layer of a sanitary pad as it is naturally anti-bacterial, breathable, hypoallergenic, odor resistant and super soft.
Conventional pads use perforated polypropylene plastic sheet as a fluid transfer top layer which is harmful to the environment.
Why Corn Starch?
Corn starch based bio-plastic serves as a leak-proof bottom layer that is a sustainable, biodegradable and compostable alternative to plastic.
Conventional pads use polyethylene plastic back sheet as a barrier film which remains unchanged in the landfill for hundreds of years after disposal.